Monday, May 20, 2013

Why French Kids Don't Have ADHD

Here's a very interesting article about why less than .5% of French children have ADHD while 9% of U.S. kids do.  The difference, the article finds, is that in France ADHD is treated as a psychological problem, whereas in the U.S. it's considered a biological problem and is treated with medicine and prescriptions.

The whole thing is reminiscent of this book which my wife purchased and neither one of us ever read.  I really need to pick it up again (find it first) because we're getting to the point when our son is expressing his opinions, usually in the form of crying out.  This link is for the audiobook, which could be the solution to my never having a chance to read.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Sending your kids outside to play

This is a very interesting article entitled "The Convincing Case for Sending Your Kids Outside to Play."  When I was a kid I spent countless hours outside by myself or with friends riding bikes, following streams, and exploring the seemingly endless woods of the local parks.

These days people worry about disappearances and abductions and any number of horrible things that can happen in the big, modern world.  Read this article and be at ease:

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